Getting Pregnant
Getting Pregnant
Infertility tests and treatments
Sperm production and male fertility
Issues with ovulation
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Genetic Testing
The Reproductive System
Understanding ovulation
Tracking ovulation
Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle
Pre-conception care for women who are overweight or obese
What to do if you think you are pregnant
Giving up alcohol
Pregnancy Glossary
Pregnancy Calculator
Ovulation Calculator
Related Expert Article Uploads
Meet Our Medical Team
What should I do if I think I’m pregnant?
Overview of maternal care
Keeping records – patient notes and ‘red book’
Overview of First Trimester
Week 1
Ovulation, pregnancy testing, assisted conception
Making pregnancy happen
Get fit for baby
Eat and live well as you prepare for pregnancy
Week 2
Egg plus sperm equals baby?
Preparing for fatherhood – get those sperm going
In preparation for pregnancy – Fitness
Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy
Week 3
Am I pregnant?
The amateur pregnancy detective
Your checklist for a safe, comfortable pregnancy workout
Alcohol, cigarettes, cheese? – What’s your problem?
Week 4
Pregnancy tests, bleeding and gestation
Be “present” and say the right things – simple!
Perform the perfect pregnancy pelvic tilt
Pregnancy signs and STI screening
Week 5
Healthy lifestyle = happy baby
Pregnancy and bucket list opportunities for every dad
Cycling safety in the first trimester
The importance of the neural tube and folic acid
Week 6
The good, the bad and the pregnancy symptoms
Newborns need lots of stuff. And we mean LOTS
Keep fit in your first trimester with Aqua-aerobics
Your pregnancy and the “human” hormone
Week 7
The Ultimate Morning Sickness Breakfast Smoothie
How long was the longest pregnancy ever recorded? – And other fun facts
Pregnancy massage could be on message for your partner
How to safely stretch during pregnancy
Your baby – getting brainier by the minute
Week 8
Morning sickness, fatigue, hormones – just the time to meet the midwife….
Are you a dad-to-be with morning sickness?
Toughen up your pelvic floor
Symptoms of pregnancy – The good, the bad and the ugly
Week 9
Curing myself – but protecting my baby
The lowdown on paternity leave
Weight training for a healthy pregnancy
Making sure your medicine is safe
Week 10
It’s all about the placenta
Change is afoot, so why not change yourself
Pilates: building a strong body and mind
Tiredness and vomiting – It’s all in a good cause
Week 11
Pregnancy scare at week 11
Pregnancy winds of change
Aerobic workouts in your first trimester
Bodily changes and choices – farting, burping and screening
Week 12
Morning sickness – Surely it will stop now
The 12-week scan – A dad’s window on reality
Relaxation is key to a healthy pregnancy
Keep smiling: oral health is vital during pregnancy
Overview of Second Trimester
Week 13
The battle of the pregnancy hormones
Managing the mood swings, morning sickness and the rest
Making strides with your exercise in pregnancy
Dealing with a UTI in pregnancy
Week 14
A lump has mysteriously appeared – weight gain or worry?
Partners keeping an eye on pregnancy health issues
Swimming in Pregnancy: Why you should dip more than your toe in the water
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
Week 15
Good feelings in the second trimester
Return of the sex drive?
Dance those pregnancy blues away
Sex During Pregnancy and in the Postpartum Period
Week 16
An aching pelvis, long commute and motherly guilt – hard times at 16 weeks
Helping your partner through pregnancy’s pants-centric challenges
Safe cardio workouts for pregnancy – hit the cross trainer today
Varicose veins are a bit of a pain in pregnancy
Week 17
A tiny kick breaks down the barrier
Resistance band exercises in the second trimester
Antenatal depression for dads
Help and support for antenatal depression
Week 18
Open spina bifida – what does this mean?
Preparing for the anomaly scan – scared but afraid to admit it
Practising tai chi in pregnancy
Know the risks – Smoking and pregnancy
Week 19
Facing the prospect of abnormalities
Get your kicks with baby
Bouncing balls are great for producing bouncing babies
Extreme itching in pregnancy – Intrahepatic cholestasis
Week 20
White or pink? Blue or yellow? Baby shopping dilemmas
My experience of the week 20 anomaly scan
The anomaly scan at around 20 weeks
Strengthen your core the right way
Week 21
Search out those maternity gym clothes
How pre-eclampsia threatened my wife’s life
Is your pregnancy exercise plan missing something?
Late miscarriage in the second trimester
Week 22
Help! I don’t like oily fish or green vegetables
Breastfeeding – the partner’s guide
Exercises you can do while working
Eating well with food allergies and intolerances during pregnancy
Week 23
Breaking the news to your firstborn – Oh brother!
Chatting through the womb
Strengthening your upper-body in the second trimester
Knowing what to do about reduced fetal movement
Week 24
Post-placenta feeding options for your baby – breast or bottle?
Late miscarriage, the partner’s perspective
The best pool workouts for pregnancy
Asthma in pregnancy
Week 25
Making the Kegels count – and other pregnancy exercises
Pregnancy, DIY and the heroic journey
Perfecting your pelvic floor exercise technique
Care of extremely premature babies born 25 to 28 weeks
Week 26
Get checked out for a GBS infection
Whooping cough – the vaccination debate
Staying fitness motivated in second trimester
Beating insomnia and getting a good night’s sleep
Week 27
Is my partner in denial about becoming a father?
Facing the reality of intimacy in the postpartum period
A guide to third trimester exercise
Experiencing a stillbirth
Overview of Third Trimester
Week 28
Pregnancy anaemia and an anti-vegetarian dad
Antenatal classes – thoughts for dads
Yoga poses to prepare your body for labour
All about antenatal classes
Week 29
Antenatal classes – making it real
Being prepared for labour and birth – for dads and partners
Squatting in the third trimester
Make your diet count in late pregnancy
Week 30
Pain relief in labour, a personal journey
The cobbler pose: essential for labour
The home birth headache
The signs of early labour
Week 31
Home birth – when your partner wants a hospital delivery
How to support your partner through a rapid birth
Get ready for labour with a few pelvic tilts
Labour – when to go to hospital and what to expect
Week 32
Packing a hospital bag for labour
Top tips for impending parenthood – dads and partners take note
Preparing for a multiple delivery
Week 33
SPD and preparing for labour
Ease her discomfort with a little (no) a lot of what she fancies
Looking after your joints and back for a pain-free third trimester
Coping with pain during labour
Week 34
Not just restless legs; I’m 100% fidgety
In-laws in the delivery suite
Sleep yourself healthy in late stage pregnancy
The three stages of labour and what to expect
Week 35
What’s in a name?
Assisted birth – why forceps or ventouse may be necessary
Assisting dads and partners through assisted birth
Comfortable, safe sex in the third trimester
Labour emergencies
Week 36
Twins in the third trimester
Stay, baby stay!
Deep breathing in labour
Caesarean section – why, when and how
Week 37
Being pregnant does not mean you become public property
So, your partner wants an elective caesarean?
The partner’s role during labour
Healing hands – soothing massage in late pregnancy
Week 38
Massaging Your Partner Through Labour
Induction or spontaneous labour – which is best?
Relieving labour pains with movement, massage and vocalisation
Induced labour – the process and the reasons
Week 39
Chantus interruptus or “get outta my way, I’m giving birth!”
Return of the pregnancy mood swings
What if labour starts during exercise?
What will happen immediately after the birth?
Week 40+
Check the shopping list, she’s nesting
Dad’s guide to induction
Getting active again after giving birth
Caring for your newborn baby
Smoking in pregnancy
E-cigarette risks in pregnancy
Cessation of smoking in pregnancy
Nutrition in Pregnancy
Pregnancy care for women who are overweight or obese
Sources of Vitamin B3
Folic acid supplementation in pregnancy
Twin pregnancy
Other Pregnancy Concerns
Medication in pregnancy
Air Travel in Pregnancy
Overview of common complaints
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Memory function in pregnancy
Anaemia in pregnancy
Venous blood clots in pregnancy
Postnatal Depression
Urinary tract infections
Asumptomatic Bacteriuria
Large for gestational age (LGA) babies and macrosomia
Small for gestational age (SGA) babies and intrauterine growth restriction
Gestational diabetes
The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) for gestational diabetes
Treatment for gestational diabetes
Tiredness and Sleep Problems in Pregnancy
Thrush in pregnancy
Chickenpox in pregnancy
Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy
Backache & PPGP
Indigestion in Pregnancy
Consent and Communication
HELLP Syndrome
Breech Babies
Pregnancy Glossary
Pregnancy Calculator
Ovulation Calculator
Related Expert Article Uploads
Meet Our Medical Team
Child Birth
Making a birth plan
Breech Babies
External cephalic version (ECV) for breech babies
Instrumental delivery
Episiotomy and perineal tears during childbirth
Passing meconium before birth
Emergencies in labour
Postpartum Haemorrhage
Shoulder Dystocia
The stages of labour
The third stage of labour
Retained Placenta
Induction of labour
Why is there a paediatrician at my delivery?
Pain relief in childbirth
Sepsis in newborns – what does it mean for your baby?
Vitamin K and the newborn baby
Jaundice in newborn babies
Neonatal Issues
Epidural pain relief during labour
Fetal monitoring during labour
Early Days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Related Expert Article Uploads
Meet our medical team
You & Your Baby
Early Years
Days 1-7
Boosting your Milk Supply when Breastfeeding
When and How to Change a Nappy
Choosing the Right Nappy – Disposable or Reusable and Other Options
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Early Weeks
Week 2
Washing Your New Baby
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Months 4-24
Using a Breast Pump for Expressing Milk
Which Formula Should You Buy?
Nannies – Pros, Cons and Tips for Hiring
Months 4, 5 and 6
Months 7, 8 and 9
Choosing to stop breastfeeding
Choosing a Babysitter
Months 10, 11 and 12
When Can You Put Your Baby Into Nursery?
Months 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
Childminders – the Pros and Cons
Helping your Child Settle Into Childcare
Grandparents and Childcare – the Pros and Cons
Day Nursery – Finding the Right Nursery
Months 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24
Age 2 & 3
Age 2
Ten Top Tips for Potty Training
When is the Right Time to Begin Potty Training?
Age 3
Understanding reflux in babies and newborns
Vitamin K and the newborn baby
Pain relief medication while breastfeeding: What’s safe?
Taking your child’s temperature
Treating a fever in babies and children at home
Baby eczema: understanding the condition
Colic (excessive crying)
What is Croup?
New Mother
Your diet and your cardiometabolic health
Postnatal Depression
The First Seven Days with Your Newborn
New Mother
Postpartum Contraception – Information and Guidance
Your diet and your cardiometabolic health
Postnatal Depression
The First Seven Days with Your Newborn
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Meet our medical team
Exercise in Pregnancy
Sex during Pregnancy
Meet the medical team
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